Our very beloved family dog has had a litter of 7 tiny puppies. Olive is a 3 year old Italian greyhound cross Chinese crested powder puff she is a wonderful little dog so kind and affectionate, intelligent and hilarious. She’s the perfect companion for hiking mountains or being a couch potato she is just perfect and she is so loved by all.
While we were away camping she got jumped by a poodle cross bichon frise. Father dog was lovely too and also very proud of himself! His mum was very worried about him so I know he is a very loved dog and him not being on a lead proves he’s a very friendly boy.
This is olives second litter she was an amazing mum the first time and she is certainly doing an even better job this time round! She will mother anything be it other dogs, kittens or her toys she loves caring for others.
As it happens the puppies will be ready so finding them a good home is a top priority! I will update pictures as they get older and I have plenty of photos of pups from the previous litter if anyone is interested in seeing them.
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